The Department of Computer Engineering offers a six semester course in Computer Engineering that leads to a diploma in Computer Engineering. Students who pass out with a three year diploma in computer engineering have job opportunities as Programmer in software development, Network administration and maintenance, Marketing of computer software and hardware etc.
The curriculum comprises of the study of computers, including their design (architecture) and their uses for computations, data processing, and systems control. The field of computer science includes engineering activities such as the design of computers and of the hardware and software that make up computer systems. It also encompasses theoretical, mathematical activities, such as the design and analysis of algorithms, performance studies of systems and their components by means of techniques like queuing theory, and the estimation of the reliability and availability of systems by probabilistic techniques.


To be in the frontier of Computer Engineering by producing technically competent and ethically motivated professionals committed to build a vibrant nation.

1. To provide quality education to meet the needs of profession and the society.
2. To ensure intellectual growth and skill acquisition.
3. To uplift innovative entrepreneurship skills, leadership qualities and civic responsibilities.

Program Educational Objectives [PEOs]

PEOs of the Diploma in Computer Engineering are:
I. Excel in professional career and/ or higher education by acquiring knowledge in the field of Computer Engineering
II. Develop professional skills that prepare the learners for immediate employment and for life-long learning in advanced areas of computer science and related fields.
III. Develop responsible Computer Engineers with professionalism, ethical attitude, communication skills and aptitude for team work .

Program Specific Outcomes [PSO]

A diploma holder in Computer Engineering Program will demonstrate:
Application of Knowledge: The ability to apply the standard practices and strategies in software & hardware project developments in delivering a quality product for industrial and business applications.
Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments, and platforms for creating innovative career paths and socially committed entrepreneurship with passion for higher studies.



Software Laboratory I
There are 45 systems in software lab 1. Forty systems are i5 Intel Inside Five are i3 Intel Inside systems. The lab has Three HP Laserjet Printers, One 80 column dot matrix printer, one flat bed scanner (A4) as well. Following softwares are available:
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10NPro
  • Ubuntu 18 
Software Laboratory II
The lab has 28 I5 Intel Inside, 4 multimedia computers and 3 AMD (64) computers. It has one 132 column dot matrix printer and one 80 col. Dot matrix printer. Following softwares are also available in the lab:
  • Windows XP Professional (64 bit)
  • Red Hat Linux (10 user)
  • Autocad 2016
  • Protius
  • STAD Pro 2005
Hardware Laboratory
The hardware lab has 9 (nine) P4 multimedia computers and spares for 5 (five) computer systems. One inkjet printer is also available.


Computer Engineering Association
The Computer Engineering Association conducts and co-ordinates various programs for the overall development of the students like seminars on advanced topics, exhibitions, study tours, social activities, etc. In order to gather ideas from the industry, the association conducts various industry interaction programmes. It also demands students to present papers on various topics during association meetings to make sure that they are actively participating.


Mrs. Athira. C. Achari.
Ms Muhsina Pareeth
Mrs. Salmi Kareem
Mrs. Anciya Ebrahim
Miss. Farsana Fathima N. A.
Mr. Ashik M. S.

Industrial Visit