The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers a six semester course in Electrical and Electronics Engineering that leads to a diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Electrical engineering diploma holders have favourable job opportunities. They have job prospects in engineering and business consulting firms, government agencies, manufacturers of electrical and electronic goods, office equipments, industrial machinery and professional and scientific instruments.  Students interested to continue their studies are eligible to join B.Tech courses through lateral entry tests.

Electrical and Electronics engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design , development and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It emerged as an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after commercialization of the electrical power generation, distribution, and use.

Electrical and Electronics diploma engineers are involved in developing, testing, and supervising the manufacture of electrical equipments such as electric motors, power generation equipment, or communications systems. They are also responsible for developing the systems of auto motives.

Typical duties of Electrical and Electronics diploma engineers include:

  •     Developing new ways to use electrical power
  •     Performing calculations for developing construction, installation, and manufacturing specifications and standards
  •     Directing the manufacturing, installation, and testing of electrical equipment to ensure that products meet codes and specifications
  •     Investigating complaints from customers, evaluating problems, and recommending solutions
  •     Working with managers to improve production efforts

‘To develop technologically competent Electrical and Electronics engineering professionals having innovative skills and ethics conducive to the development of society’.


M1 – To provide an excellent academic ambience and training for moulding competent  professionals in Electrical and Electronics engineering.
M2 – To facilitate continuous learning environment for a culture of innovation.
M3 – To promote collaborative activities to develop social & ethical values.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Able to handle modern tools and take diverse career paths for employment/ 
entrepreneurship/ higher education.


Excellent with skills related to industrial scenario and leadership.


Capable to work in teams with integrity & ethical values.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The professionals will be able to design the electrical schemes andimprove engineering solutions in the areas related to power electronics, power systems and electrical drives.
The professionals will be able to apply specific knowledge to provide innovative ideas in electrical system design, automation and control.



Electrical Machines Laboratory / Electrical Workshop
The lab is well equipped with both DC and AC machines to conduct experiments as per diploma curriculum. 400V, 3 phase 50 Hz AC supply system and 200-230V DC supply is available. To provide DC supply a motor generator set with 25 KV 3 phase slip ring induction motor and 25 KV DC generators are used. A metal rectifier circuit is also available for DC supply.
Direct Current Machines
Two DC shunt generators, one component generator, two DC shunt motors, one series motor constitute DC machines.
Alternating Current Machines
Five single phase transformers, three phase transformer synchronous generators, synchronous motor squirkel cage induction motors and slip ring induction motors constitute AC machines. Almost all types of measuring instruments like, Ammeters, colt meters, watt meters, CTs are available for measuring electrical quantities.
Electrical Engineering Workshop
Electrical engineering workshop is furnished with work tables, wiring boards, drilling machines, Vices and all accessories for conducting electrical wiring as well as maintenance practice.
Electronics Laboratory
Electrical Engineering department has a separate electronics lab. The lab is equipped with power supply, cathode ray oscilloscope, signal generators, function generators, multimeters, soldering irons, desoldering pumps and various electronic components such as transistors, SCRS, ICs, VJT, FET, Zener diodes, resistors, capacitors etc. Microcontrollers and microprocessors are also available.
PLC(Programmable Logic Control) Laboratory & Micro Controller Laboratory
PLC Lab is having six PLC units supported with computer systems. The main experiments conducted here are DOL starter, Star Delta Starter, Traffic lighting system, etc. Conveyor system and lift experiments using micro controllers are also conducted in the lab.


Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association
The Electrical Engineering Association conducts and co-ordinates various programs for the overall development of the students like seminars on advanced topics, exhibitions, study tours, social activities, etc. In order to gather ideas from the industry, the association conducts various industry interaction programmes. It also demands students to present papers on various topics during association meetings to make sure that they are actively participating.



Mrs. Lincy K Mathew


Mrs. Aneena Balan


Mrs. Kamarunnisa. M. M.


Mrs. Sreelakshmi S. G.
Mr. Vijayan T. V.
Mr. Benny Mathew

Industrial Visit


Industrial Visit to KSEB, Moolamattom Power Station